TOP 50 Songs- The Black Eyed Peas

Pump It

The song by the Black Eyed Peas has a very nice rythem in it. It is fast and fits very well with the singing. The element that makes this track so special is that the rappers built a very good harmony with the beat. In addition to that the performers always take turns to sing. Especially when Fergie sings and after that the men start singing again. This is a clear pattern in the singing. The singer that starts at the beginning always raps a sentence, after that another singer says a word. This is especially when the singer sings “Pump it” and after that another one sings “Louder!”, and repeated over a couple of times. By this the song is given the element that makes it special. Of course all elements in the song are combined well, which makes it so amazing, but the singing really does stand out.