College Question 188

Do you think that you have the qualifications of a good parent? Discuss.

I do not think that I have qualifications of a good parent. I have been living for 16 years now and experienced various situations but still I do believe that I would not have the qualifications of being a good parent.

Being a good parent is a very challenging thing to be, it is like a 24/7 job. Children are always around. They always want something whether it is attention, food, money etc. I dont know how my parents survived with me in one house. I would probably not survive if I would have a child that is like me.

To have qualifications of a good parent is very hard, I would not have these qualifications. The first thing that comes to my mind is that having temper is very important and I already pass on this point. Sometimes things annoy me, and then things are not funny anymore. I imagine being around children, and most likely there is nothing more annoying than children that want something from you.

Sometimes I just need time on my own, where I can listen to music, go run or something that relaxes me, as being with children 24/7 would kind of take this time away. I do think that I could feed them, play with them but after all I the chances are very high that I could not take it anymore.

To really have these qualifications of a good parent is admiring. Not everyone would have them, the worst years would be when the child is around one to ten years old, after that they are a little less annoying but just wait until these children reach puberty…

College Question 126

How do you feel about Wednesday?
Wednesday is a regular day for me, I have to attend school, wake up early, go running, and lots more I do on a Wednesday. I feel about Wednesday that it is a normal day, except that I think that it is halftime. Meaning two days already gone and after wednesday another two days to go until it is the weekend.
My Wednesday has two faces; one that is a motivation phase but the other one is that Wednesday is like any other school day that I have to managed.
The week day Wednesday is a motivation for me. Different than Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. I always think that if I managed to reach Wednesday I am capable of completing the other school days left until it is the weekend, no matter how much work my teachers have assigned me.
When reaching Wednesday I am already looking towards the weekend. It keeps me cheered up to work even hard so that I can relax on the weekend and have least amount of work to do.
On the other hand I believe that Wednesday is like any other day during the week. There is nothing really special about that certain day. I always do the same routine as I would do on the other days. From morning to evening, most things will be the same. I could see Wednesday as another boring day as well.
I believe that I cannot compare Wednesday to any other day during the week, I do believe every day during the week has a different, unique feeling for me. It could be that my motivation is higher on certain days than others, or that I do not feel like waking up at all. But Wednesday has that special feeling of motivation as well as the feeling of repetitive day I would face any other school day.

Article- The Naked Ape


The human is often considered as “The Naked Ape“. This is due to the lack of the hair that the human posses. But that is not really true, according to studies the human has many hair follicles like other apes do. Usually the hair insulates us or does other jobs, but what real job does hair do for humans since we do not live in nature under a tree? This question has answered Isabelle Dean and Michael Siva-Jothy of Sheffiled University, in Britain. They have come up with the conclusion that human hair serve as an alarm system towards insects. This they have tested on university students. 19 men and ten women accepted the challenge to shave one of their arm. On the sahved arm a mark with a pen is made and enclosed with petroleum jelly to catch bed bugs in, and on the other arm which is not shaved an equivalent mark and surrounded as well. To see what the hair does the students had to react as they noticed a movement of a bug, without looking. The answer was that in average each ten seconds a bug movement was noticed on the shaved arm. The other arm, not shaved, a bug movement was noticed in average each four seconds. By this the conclusion can be made that hair detects and protects us from insects.

Humans have evolved quite a lot from other species, especially monkeys. Since we do not live in the wild nature anymore many adaptions we have evolve differently than from any other animals. To have experiments about these kind of things is very interesting. I did not know that hair could be that usefull, maybe just for styling it, making us look good. It would be more interesting to see study‘s of such kind. To study the human body is interesting, learning these kinds of things in biology and now seeing practical study‘s about the human body is worth looking at.


Word 1:

This lack of hair has been attributed to everything from a putative aquatic period in the species’s past to the advantages of displaying a healthy skin to members of the opposite sex.

putative: generally considered or reputed to be. Origin from Latin putativus from the verb “putare.“

The putative teacher who let‘s students fail.


Word 2:

This lack of hair has been attributed to everything from a putative aquatic period in the species’s past to the advantages of displaying a healthy skin to members of the opposite sex.

aquatic: of or relating to water. Origin from Latin aquaticus from aqua, meaning “water.“

The aquatic season of the year is when the students come back from summer holidays.


Word 3:

Per square centimetre, human skin has as many hair follicles.

follicles: anatomy of a small sector. Origin from Latin folliculus, meaning “little bag.“

The follicles of the brain of the students at school are at a high IQ.

College Question 153

Respond to the question: How can I prepare educationally for a global society?

To prepare educationally for a global society is extremely difficult as there are too many things in the world to know about. The world is growing every day by a lot. Many events take place that are important, conflicts arise and to know about them all is just impossible. But it is possible to gain a high general knowledge which is gained by education only.

There are a lot of topics to study over, too many topics to know them all. Whether it is physics, language, law, art etc. It would take too much time to study all of them.

To prepare educationally for a global society is tough work, but it can be done. One simple way is to read the news paper, watch documentations in television and to gain knowledge from it. This helps to find out what is going on in today‘s world. The other way to prepare educationally for a global society is to listen in class and take a brought number of subjects.

News paper‘s and television are updated each minute, hour, daily so that the audience receives the current news. In addition to that listen and watch documentations about cars, planes, environment, all the factors that affect the world because they are most likely to be discussed in the world, rather than a specific animal or other random things.

To prepare in school/ university is a little different than reading the news paper, the education is more specific. Certain courses are taken which teach in a more specific way.

To prepare educationally for a global society is tough but it is possible, to reach a high standard of general knowledge takes a long time, but it prepares for a global society.

College Question 57

Discuss how your travel experiences have affected you as a student and a citizen of the world.

As a student, I vist India since 10th grade, at the age of 15. Visiting India is a great experience. It is a totally new experience for me to have been and still be in such a country. The culture, the daily life is totally different than in Germany. Not only have I been in India but also in Africa, Tunisia. The country can be compared similar to India. Both countries are behind in the development. To see such contrasting countries compared to Europe is a very good experience I gained.

The experience that I gained by visiting these two countries has affected me as a student and a citizen of the world in a great way. Now I see things in a different way. To see such countries in real and not just on television is a huge difference. To see different culturs and the way people live in developing countries is an experience worth.

The daily life of people in these countries is a lot different than in Europe. The poverty rate in such countries, that are still developing, is very high. It is very common to see that fact on the street as well. Often the government cannot help these people because there is a lack of money. Different than in Germany, where the government can offer financial help.

This has affected me in a way that I know that I have everything, a home, education and much more things that I do not actually need. To see it like that the experience has to be made to travel to developing countries and see how people live.

Article- Trade with China

Trade with China

And now, protectionism

America’s latest anti-China bill tackles a problem already being solved


The international economy on today‘s basis is in a terrible situation. Therefore the United States of America have released a Currency Exchange Rater Oversight Reform Act. This would allow a currency to be taged as a subsidy subject to certain duties. With this in mind, United States of America, consider a protective way of dealing with China.

In the U.S., the anti-China attitude has grown by a lot. The Senate is willing to raise trade barriers with China. Even though, a couple of years ago they have already done that with a couple of other countries; Colombia, South Korea and Panama.

The people of the U.S. seem to be against any free trade, as the middle-class American manufacturing jobs are at a decline. This is due to improvement of productivity, which means that less Americans are employed to fulfill jobs as less people are needed. Another factor is also the imported goods from China which are often cheaper.



I believe that the United States of America are dealing with this problem in their very own way. They want to save their own economy by acting in a protective way against other nations. This does not mean that they do not want any other trade imports or whatsoever but the decline of the average jobs for middle class American is slowly declining. Cheap imported goods from China are a factor to this. Since China can be considered as another super-power the U.S. is especially paying attention to China and try to limit the country in many ways, for example; setting up higer trade tariffs.






Word 1: contradictory

“It may seem contradictory that the Senate is threatening to raise barriers to trade with China.“


contradictory: mutually opposed or inconsisten. First known use: Mid. 17th century, from contradictorius, meaning “spoken against“


Many teachers are contradictory to the dates of tests and assignments.


Word 2: economy

“The global economy is sicker than a man with a bellyful of bad oysters.“

economy: careful management of resources. First known use: Late 15th century, from oikonomia, meaning “household management“„

Many students do care about the economy.



Word 3: currency

“Yet on October 11th America’s Senate passed the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act, which would allow any “fundamentally misaligned” currency to be labelled a subsidy subject to countervailing duties.“

currency: a system of money. First known use: 20th century

The currency for students at school is food.

College Question 244

Describe a time someone was jealous of you.

The time my brother was jealous of me was because I received an Ipad for my birthday. The Ipad 1 was just released and my brother and I really wanted one of these new Ipad‘s. Shortly after that was my birthday and I received an Ipad as a gift. Of course my brother was really jealous because I got one and he did not. I enjoyed most of the day as I was playing on my brand new Ipad. My brother asked me many times if he could play and even begged our parents to get one for him but they said no. The Ipad was not a gift from my parents, it was a present of my god father.

After enjoying that feeling for a couple of hours I gave the Ipad to my brother, so that he could play with it. That made him very happy.

During the time he became less jealous every day because he saw that the Ipad was not a lot more than just a big ipod and I only played games, surfed in the internet a little but that was it. Today I barely use my Ipad anymore. Having an old ipod touch at the same time, I gave my ipod touch away to my brother so that he would not be too jealous at all anymore.

College Question 179

If money and family obligations left you entirely free, how and where would you spend the summer before college?

Before I would attent college I would spend the summer with friends in a new place where none of my friends would have spent time before. I would use this summer time to try new things, that are interesting and where I would gain experience from. I would not spend the summer at a beach or in a city with a lot of culture and just have fun instead I would try something unique, which no one of my friends and I have done before.

I think to travel and try something new is an exciting occasion for me. Since I do not know what will expect me I am always up for new experiences, especially far from home and in a different country or continent. This would be most likely in Asia. I have been in Asia a long time, only in India though. The continent Asia is huge and it is a life experience to travel around in India. The place where I would travel to with my friends would be China. As India has been a pleasant experience but also a totally new one, I am hoping to gain the same from China. The country has the largest population in the world, not only that but the way China lives today does interest me. Especially the culture, this would be a totally new experience. My only clash with China has been in the history class, to visit China is a whole new thing. I would spend my time as simple as possible in China, from experience in India I know that traveling simpler brings me closer to the culture. As I would want to gain the same in China I would do the same of course. Since China is too big to see everything I would want to visit the big cities, such as Bejing and Shanghai. But also the country side where life of the people is at a very strong contrast than the life of people in the city.

China would be a new experience for me, maybe life changing but I hope to gain new experience and see how other people live on the opposite side of the world.

Article- European Economy

Here we go again

The Europeans are pushing the global banking system to the edge

Oct 8th 2011 | from the print edition


The current situation in Europe is dramatic. Banks are holding back money for lending to other banks. The signs of the last bank crash in 2008 are very similar. In addition, Institutions who lose out as well are a burden to the current situation.

In America a supplementary has come up as well. China has manipulated the own currency, this is a sign that America has not a lot to be joyful of in economic policy.

At least this is not a problem in the euro-zone. Another central reason is there to be concerned about: the failure of payments, this might lead to chaos. Losses on the governemnt-bond holdings on the European banks would be immense.



The failure of the banks, especially in Europe, is tremendous. As banks are not able to pay any institution back, the consequence will be large disorder in the governments. If the crisis is not solved soon, governments will have lack of money. If the government is lacking to pay any institutions back the economy of a certain country will decrease by even more, especially in Europe. The chain-reaction could lead in an overall failure of the European Union, by this other countries will take large advantage of. Countries such as China that have cheap production and cheap labor, they can use this and increase export, strengthening their economy even more.







Word 1: infected

“Fears of contagion from Europe have now infected America.“

infected: to affect someone/something. First known use: mid. 16th century, from inficere, meaning “put, do“.

The temptation to study has infected many Woodstock students.



Word 2: manipulating

“An ill-conceived congressional bill to punish China for manipulating its currency is yet another sign that America has little to be proud of in terms of economic policy“.

manipulating: to handle or control. First known use: early 19th century, from manipulus, meaning “handful“.

Teachers try manipulating certain students so that students do what they want them to do.


Word 3: guarantee

“France and Belgium this week said that they would guarantee the debts of Dexia.“

guarantee: formal promise or assurance. First known use: early 16th century, from old french, meaning garantie.

Some Woodstock students can give a guarantee that they get an A+ on their next test.

College Question 17

If you could spend a year with any real or fictional person in the past, present, or future, whom would you choose? Why?


If I could choose a person that I would spend a year with that person would be Albert Einstein. The well known physician Einstein has changed the world we see it in. Not only has he had some wild concepts about the universe, which fifty years before he was born he would have been sent into a mental hospital and declared as mentally ill, but he has made a substantial impact to the world.

The reason I would chose Einstein is because I am interested in his thoughts as he was a very unique person in the world. The fact that he could be considered one of the most smartest physicians ever is only one out of many reasons I believe Einstein is somehow a sensation. I am determined about physics as this science does have a great impact on our lives, on a daily basis. Einstein has looked into this further and came up with ideas other physicians would not even think about, he basically shook the foundations of physics.

To live with Einstein for a year would be most likely one of my most favorite years in my entire life. I think it would be great to look at his thoughts at a closer look, especially talking to him. Maybe he could teach me more. I consider Einstein the most important man in the field of physics for the last two-hundred years. Living with him for a just a day would be very special.