Why Good Advertising Works

Advertising does not always seem to work, that is what most people believe but what they do not know that advertisement influences our behavior over time, in order to reach this goal advertisements have to be rememberd by the people.

At least every single person knows an advertisement that is stuck in their mind. It could be for any product but there are some advertisements that are shown on television and they are just weird. That is why we remember them. The goal of an advertisement is to be remembered by many people.

To reach this goal is very tough, as today’s society is becoming more distracted. Every month, week, day new electronical devices appear on the market, everytime there is something new. When I buy a phone today, suppose it is an Iphone from Apple, the next couple of months it will be already “old” as other companies (e.g. Samsung or LG) already launched a new and “better” phone with more features. This cycle continues every time.

For an advertisement to really work it has to be rememberd. An example is the advertisement from Old Spice. The advertisement is unique due to the fact that no other firm in this industry has done a similar advertisement. Not only that but the advertisement amuses people and due to this fact it is remembered.

The audience receives messages differently, depending on individual’s. The people watching the advertisement have to be attracted to this certain product. There are so many advertisements shown, that when watching television it is most likely that the last advertisement can not be remembered and the product it was related to (speaking from personal experience) due to the fact that we are just bombet with advertisements, 24/7.

If people believe that they are not influenced by advertisement they are wrong. As they remember even one advertisement, due to a catchy song etc. they are influenced. By knowing the content of the advertisement the product related to it is also known.

The reason why advertisements are trying to be catchy is because the firm, selling that certain product, wants you to build up a relationship with that product, a feeling of joy and a good feeling.

Most of the times the advertisements does not let you react “Just what I need!” Usually it is just another advertisement, like any other.

There are so many advertisements that we do not remember most of them. Most of them do not affect relate to us. For an advertisement to be remembered it has to be really unique.


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