Francis Bacon- Of Youth and Age

Sir Francis Bacon conducts, in his essay of Youth and Age, that young men are more creative than the old, having the vivacity is important, as they embrace themselfes better. I do not agree with Sir Bacon, as older men, still have the same logic as when they were younger. It still could be the case that younger man do tend to be more liveliness but if they really innovate more is a good question.

One example that shows that elder men are still being able to perform at top positions and are still active is Joesf Ackermann. Ackermann is the chairman for the Deutsche Bank (German Bank) who is at age of 64 years. At the age of 58 he became the only chairman of the board. This is still an old age, but apparently it is still possible, especially as he was listed number one for the top income of managers in the Deutschen Aktienindex (DAX). This shows that the thesis of Sir Bacon is wrong, Sir Bacon mentions that younger men tend to be more liveliness and have greater ideas, this example shows that rather the older men have the innovation to lead.

Another example, not relating to any mental work but relating with physical endurance, is Fauja Singh. Singh is 100 years old and completed an entire marathon in Toronto, Canada. By doing so he is the oldest man that has other done that and he set up a world record. He already accomplished this with 89 years old. This shows that he can repeat it. This shows that older men do have the liveliness, and even some younger men cannot even do a normal jog, either if they are to lazy or just not fit enough.


The examples show that elderly men do have the vacacity in them. Both examples show that older men accomplish very tough jobs, that even young men cannot accomplish.

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