College Question 153

Respond to the question: How can I prepare educationally for a global society?

To prepare educationally for a global society is extremely difficult as there are too many things in the world to know about. The world is growing every day by a lot. Many events take place that are important, conflicts arise and to know about them all is just impossible. But it is possible to gain a high general knowledge which is gained by education only.

There are a lot of topics to study over, too many topics to know them all. Whether it is physics, language, law, art etc. It would take too much time to study all of them.

To prepare educationally for a global society is tough work, but it can be done. One simple way is to read the news paper, watch documentations in television and to gain knowledge from it. This helps to find out what is going on in today‘s world. The other way to prepare educationally for a global society is to listen in class and take a brought number of subjects.

News paper‘s and television are updated each minute, hour, daily so that the audience receives the current news. In addition to that listen and watch documentations about cars, planes, environment, all the factors that affect the world because they are most likely to be discussed in the world, rather than a specific animal or other random things.

To prepare in school/ university is a little different than reading the news paper, the education is more specific. Certain courses are taken which teach in a more specific way.

To prepare educationally for a global society is tough but it is possible, to reach a high standard of general knowledge takes a long time, but it prepares for a global society.