College Question 254

If you had to give away a large sum of money, how would you do it?
If I have a large sum of money I would consider the people the would need this money the most. There are a lot of people all around the world that need money. Whether it is in Africa, Asia or any other country around the world. In every country there are people present that need help. This also happens in the more developed countries where poverty is absolutly rare.

It will be tough deicision to make who to help as a lot of people need help. I do not think that it will make a lot of sense to give poor people money so that they can just survive. The effect of this will be present only for a short time as the money would have been used up and gone. Rather just to give money to people I would try something to stop, such as pollio. Pollio affects many poor people, especially in Africa. It would be wiser to treat this disease and let it vanish, the effect of this will be much longer than just to give money to any poor people.

To help as many people as possible is just impossible, for example; one third of India‘s population lives in absolute poverty. That one third represents millions of people that do not have a home, food for every day and clothes to wear. To give away a large sum of money for a project will a long-term goal would be a wiser decision than just to give it to poor people, which would have a short-term effect.