College Question 236

Invent a game and explain the rules.

Name: Foottcasooa

The game is played with a football. As many players can play as demanded. All players stand in a circle. A football is passed to one player, does not matter which player. The player has the football on his feet, he has to bounce the ball ten times on his foot. After that he has to shoot a goal, still having the ball on his feet. The ball is not allowed to touch the ground. The goal is a goal wall, meaning only there is a hole on the bottom left and top right where the ball can pass through. The player with the ball cannot come any closer than the penalty shoot out point is, not more than 11 meters close.

After the player has kicked the ball, missing the one of the holes will give him a negative point. Managing to get the football in one of the holes, gives the player two points. After his turn the player next to him, clockwise direction, gets to play. Inorder for him to get 2 points when he scores he has to keep the ball up bouncing on his feet at least by two bounces more than the previous player did. If not, if the amount is same or less, scoring on the wall through one of these holes will only give one point and not two points.

The ball will be passed around in a circle each time, each time it will get harder as the amount of bounces on the foot will increase.